Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Two extra radiations for Mindy's graduation!

I will be taking two extra doses of radiation therapy to help insure that I can get to my granddaughters high school graduation...I am doing/tolerating it that well...this was decided yesterday after an impromptu meeting with Dr. Hansen, my assigned radiation/oncology body will not tolerate any more than that without degenerative issues. I have bought 4" color spots of pansies to leave with my blog address to the techies as a thank you...they get cookies, candy, and such all the time...I want to thank them with a sign of life and they have been talking to me about lawns, flowers, weeding, etc. So, my warriors, die cancer die, four times, same time through Friday...thanks so much...wanted to post this first and will try to get more up before my busy day gets away from are all awesome!


Dawn said...

Still praying for you Kendra. When is the graduation?

Theresa said...

Hey Kendra,

I haven't stopped by lately but I wanted to let you know that you are in my daily prayers. You go kick some cancer butt.

cancer is spelled with a little c...Christ with a big one.

You are my hero! Love T

Shellie said...

Die, cancer, Die! Live, Kendra, live! Help, God, Help! You are so awesome!

Unknown said...

Still praying here!!! Die cancer die! :) Big hugs.