Friday, April 11, 2008

I realized that those of you who met me through this incredible cyber world have no idea or what I looked like before this crazy event...I had been careful not to use photos or that it has gone informational I thought I owed you a photo of what I actually looked like in real life...this is me and granddaughter, Kimberly Rachel, at the Grand Opening of The Estacada Public Library...champagne in hand, celebrating...sorry, Kim, you're out there and part of was the most recent good photo I managed to find this morning...time to go downstairs and have the Lovely Lila Brown assist me with my grooming and wait for daughter in law Christy (who turned 35 yesterday...happy birthday!) drive me to my radiation...set your alarms, die cancer die, four times...thanks...maybe more later.


Anonymous said...

You are simply beautiful!
from a cancer survivor, May you be blesed, strong, and live your life in the moment today.
Jenn from AK

Korkie said...

Please accept my prayers, my blessings and my positive thoughts.

Nanny said... will grow back!!! In the meantime, you can start a chic hat collection.

Remember, it's not what's on the outside that counts. It's all about who you are on the inside. That's what people really care about. And in bloggerland, people really care!

setting my alarm...


Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

Jen, Korkie...thanks! Tried to post directly to wasn't happening...die, cancer, die!

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Love ya Kendra girl!!
Thanks for the pics - you are beautiful with and without hair - your beauty is behind your eyes and in your heart!

Michelle said...

I agree with Korkie. Cancer sucks. I wore a pin that said that while my mom was fighting breast cancer.

You are beautiful...with and without hair.


Anonymous said...

What is the time we need to think of you again (besides all day!) 2:30? Has it changed?

Just want you to know I was at a prayer breakfast yesterday morning where I prayed for you, and placed your name in the prayer basket which was prayed for during the meeting. The Prayer petitions are then being brought to a church where they will be prayed for all week.

May God continue to bring peace and healing to you and your family.
Blessings - Karla

Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

Karla, during the time of 2:10-2:15 Oregon time (weekdays) = my radiation time. thanks!

Anonymous said...

a warrior,
I want you to know that your name has been added to the prayer warriors list. These warriors are all over the world, mostly we are women, who pray daily for the health of everyone suffering or in need. Whether you are known to us or not.
May the Lord bless you and strengthen your faith and make you whole once more.
Cancer INDEED needs to die.