Thursday, May 22, 2008

Awards Ceremony

Last night we attended the academic awards ceremony at Mindy's school...I am not going to name the school as I feel I need to be some what protective of my grandchildren's privacy. I will say that I was appalled at how many people left when their child's award was presented...I'm not talking twenty or thirty but half an does that make the others, at the end of the alphabet and the class valedictorian feel? I used my cane several times to poke and prod my own grandchildren to clap their hands for those on hands hurt by the time the ceremony was over. I have trouble understanding how one can justify texting and having their phones on vibrate, only to get up and leave seven times during the ceremony, thus disturbing the twelve people in the row is okay...I felt the little devil sitting on my shoulder ready to trip the next person who rubbed their butt in my face because they had to get a bottle of water or answer their phone! I don't usually use this forum to complain, but have others had this same thing happen...or am I just from a more polite small town, where we wouldn't think of doing this?


Nanny and Tessy said...

This same situation happened to us when we attended the poetry slam a while back. I was shocked at how many family's left after their own children recited their poetry. Not even giving a thought about the rest of the children who still hadn't taken their turn. By the time the last few children recited their poetry, there was just a handful of people left in the audience. I stayed and I clapped loudly for each and everyone of those children.

I really wish people would think beyond their own little worlds and take into consideration the feelings of everyone involved. Shortsightedness on their part I guess. so Sad.....

Betsy Hart said...

I have seen that happen. It makes me mad too. I completely see where you are coming from. Complain away, you are competely justified here!

Shellie said...

I know graduations and award ceremonies can be boring, but if you show up, I think you need to sit still and clap a lot.

Michelle said...

At my nephew's graduation, they mixed all the graduates up, so no one knew in advance when the kids would receive their diplomas. I assumed it was because of those who would leave. I am in complete agreement...thankfully there are still small polite towns in this world.

(I think everyone sitting in my area was thankful I walked out of the graduation early. It may have had something to do with the kicking screaming totally out of control toddler I was trying to contain :-)

Unknown said...

eeeeeeeeeew butts in the face!

worth tripping!

Love you friend!